Thursday, September 27, 2007

News From The DeathStar

hi all. It seems that REBECCA JURO isn't the advocate I thought. She did not defind me in my case against being moderated. I am disapointed. I am heard on TGv that Marth Vader is at a conference with HRC. Here is live video:

Shes going to be djing the party tonight.

maybe she can talk to the human rights organization into comeing out
against removing transgendered people like me from the employment non-discrimination act. I hope so. Even if she is feeling betraid by the human rights organization.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

DeSoto Descriminated Against!

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I am so madddddddddddddddd. I am being discrimated angain for speaking out against The Human Rights Organization and Mara Keisling. I belong to a group called TGvadvocacy and there are people on the list that hurl very bad words at each other and dont get booted or censored on the list but I do. Transgendered people should not treat each other this way. I deserve free speach. This is america, after all. I didnt defame mara or slander her, but Im being silenced. This is not right. it is unamerican.